Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thank you to everyone....

I just wanted to tell everyone that has reached out to me with their questions and comments thank you! Thank you for stopping by and having faith in my regimen for successfully getting well from leaky gut/histamine intolerance. It's an honor to be able to help people understand what's going on with them when they just don't know, their doctors don't know and there isn't much out there regarding the condition.

I am so very very blessed to have reached a point to be able to eat what I want when I want and don't ever want to take it for granted. I have recently mentioned in a response to a comment I received that today my upper eyelid began to itch after consuming left over hamburger meat, tomatoes and yogurt. It instantly brought back ill feelings of what I used to go through so I freaked out a bit. Which is a good thing because I actually have been an asshole, yes I said asshole and completely stopped taking any enzymes at all. So whether I just had an innocent "itch" it struck a cord with me that was like "hey, hey asshole I'm talking to you, wtf? Why have you not taken your enzymes in like 3 or 4 months??" So regardless if this was just an innocent itch or a nudge from my histamine saying you better shit or get off the pot... I'm starting back on my ViraStop today! LOL But I will be a newbie at it and have to start with small doses all over again because as you all know die off is a bitch. I want to reiterate that I DO NOT know if this is actually histamine intolerance creeping up on me again but there's no harm in keeping on the enzymes. I choose to just take Virastop because I know I have a problem with breaking down protein and this enzyme focuses on strictly protein. So I may or may not have a disgusting amount of undigested protein building up again in the ol' gut which may or may not send me spiraling into that black abyss of hell known as histamine intolerance but I'm not going to be the asshole that sits around and waits for it either! Haha.

Other than just today all has been extremely well with me and I am more than thankful for that. I even enjoy 1 glass of wine a week with no problems. I sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank all of you who have reached out to me and shared with me your individual stories. I hope this blog will continue to grow and be shared amongst others who truly need some answers!

I wish all of you many blessings, much health and happiness........keep your questions coming!


  1. Thank you very much for your blog. How are you doing today? Still feeling good with out any reaction?

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog I appreciate your feedback.

      Yes I'm great I haven't had an episode in a year. I eat all the foods I used to with no reaction including wine.

      I know every "body" is different and some things work on some and not on others. However, I highly recommend the approach I took to everyone as I firmly believe healing the gut is where histamine intolerance ends.

      It took me roughly 8-10 months to completely heal but in the grand scheme of things that's nothing compared to what a lifetime of only eating 10 foods would of been like.

      I hope you are well and wish you continued health!

    2. Additionally, that "itch" was just that, an innocent itch. Luckily! Lol

  2. Very interesting blog, thank you!
    Do you eat grains again too? Did you had enough carbs in your diet when you didn't? I am afraid to start grain free because I suffer from adrenal fatigue as well and get dizzy without enough carbs. Is it necessary to heal the gut?

    1. Hi Inge, I now do eat grains but not too often. Maybe 3 times or so a week is all. When I was sick I would get my carbs from fruit and veggies. Complex carbs from veggies and some simple carbs from the sugar in fruit. I didn't have issues with feeling dizzy. It would be a good thing to eliminate grains to heal the gut, yes, because grains cause inflammation in the body and any inflammation causes disease in general but will also continue to inflame the gut lining making it more difficult for you to seal up those perforations. If it's initially too hard for you to "quit" them maybe try to eliminate as many as you can stand initially and then gradually begin to ween yourself off of them. Start out maybe 3 times a week eating grains then go down to 2 then 1 then finally eliminating them. You could also use L-Glutamine powder to help with healing your gut as well. Don't get the flavored versions just the plain white powder. It tastes like fat man cheesy ass would smell LOL :) but if you can choke it down it would be a tremendous help as well. Thank you for reading my blog and I wish you much well!

  3. Dani, I'm reading through all your posts. I was just recently diagnosed with LG/HI. Do you have a list of supplements and do you have a list of foods you ate? I am so confused as to what to take and what to eat. I just need simple instructions. Sorry to bother you. I just want relief. BTW...the only symptom I have is hives. Hugs..Marybeth

    1. If you continue through my blog I have food lists as well as the supplements I took and suggest😊
